Fare ye well young traveller. The west wind blows and the foreign shores call ye further more. Do not be swayed by poison ale and painted wenches, for they will smite you down against the rocky shore. In their stead, conquer thee snow capped peaks upon your board of fury,as thy are stout of heart and strong of will. Safe travels.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Germania Adventure 1.

Monday January 11:
A 3am start is never fun but thats all apart of the travelling process i guess? A shit part i must say, especially when is followed by a 2hour bus ride,4 hours in an airport, a 2hr flight and another joyess 9.5hr flight jammed in amoungst 100's of tired disgruntled voyagers.
I'm sure anyone who has ever been overseas knows what I'm talking about,It's not fun but we try to make the most of it.
A 3am start means you can ghost ride your whip down an empty street before the bus comes. A 2hr bus ride = the 2hrs of sleep you should of been having if you werent on a 3am bus! 4hrs in an airport = rediscovering you skill or lack of skill at making paper aeroplanes and creating stories for your fellow travellers, like the the slightly awkward balding guy wearing the brown suit 3 seats down, he might seem harmless but you know he headbutted a bear to death while on a soul searching mission in the alaskan wilderness where he realised he was to pursue his career as footmodel in eastern europe. Leading him to be sitting 3 seats down from you today.
At least there is a light at the end of the tunnel, a very looooong tunnel, the reason we put ourselves through such a tedious process. The thought of seeing,hearing,tasting,shredding somewhere completely unknown is enough to make it all worth while. Being reunited with a loved one was my shining light,everything else that came along with my adventure was just a bonus.

Friday, January 8, 2010


Germany's shores are calling and in 4days I will be reunited with miss Lena! YEEEEAAAAHHHHH! It's crazy to think it has been 4 months since she was stolen from me!!....stupid work permits...It blows my mind that two people aren't able to be together because of one shitty government issued piece of paper....but anywho it gives me the chance to see a new country and experience new things. So for the next two weeks it's bratwurst, beer and large euros in liederhoussen,I'm almost 100% sure that's all there is in Germany.haha.

Thursday, January 7, 2010


Do Ya Head Like This from FOOTYFIEND.com on Vimeo.

Looks like I made it to the big time!!! hahaha...by big time I mean a 0.00006sec filler shot in Jordan's first FOOTY FIEND edit for 2010. Anyway I'm stoked he used the shot,Rick B got a similar taste of stardom in the X-mas edit,so check it out!!! Keep an eye on FOOTYFIEND.COM too.... Jordan, originally from Ontario turned Whistler local, started the site last year and it's following has been growing at a steady rate since. You'll find him and his xxxxl hoody hustling footage in Whis and Blackcomb parks most days so check the site regularly to see what getting thrown down!!!
..........I havent figured out adding video yet so here's the link: "Do Ya head like this"

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Day 1.

The first shred for 2010, YEEEEAAAHHHHHH!!!!!
Unfortunatley it was also the 1st or 2nd day for 23,000 others :( But with 30cm of fresh in an untouched Harmony bowl there was plenty to go around. I luckily got a few cheeky laps in before everyone caught on....hahaha....fuckers!

Friday, January 1, 2010


HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!It seems only yesterday I was counting backwards anticipating what was to come in 2009....it all seems to come and go so fast these days. Looking back alot went down. I got to ride a heap of days, I met my lovely lena, visited two of my old stomping grounds...big white for a shred and banff for my bud jamie's wedding, surfed in tofino,road tripped oregon, downhill mtn biked,glacier shreds, glorious sunshine all summer,a new tattoo,made new friends and farewelled others,a visit from the parentals,first stitches...hell the list goes on and on when I think about it!!! Last year was probably one of the best I've had so far, theres something about having no real responsabilities that allows a very stress free way of life. When your biggest issue is whether to ride all day or cut it short so you can catch up on laundry.... whats there to be stressed about??
2009 came to an end at Ahab's place, the Rubix cube was the theme so everyone had to wear the 6 different colours and by midnight everyone had to be 1 solid colour....Things got hectic and clothes were coming off left,right and center...It was a super fun night,I ended up in white but unfortunatley the hockey helmet i wore allnight didnt protect me from a raging hangover this morning. I put full blame on "the captain" and ahab's shovel shooter! So 2010 didn't exactly start off the best,a 10hr shift feeling like death himself, but i guess it can only get better from here on in!
I'm not a strong believer in new year resolutions, most of the time you come up with some drunken idea at midnight and never follow through with the promise, so i'm just going to try not to plan too much....go with the flow....things seemed to work out last year just fine so why fix something that hasn't broke.

Anywho.....I hope everyone had a rad 2009 and wishing you all the best for 2010!