Fare ye well young traveller. The west wind blows and the foreign shores call ye further more. Do not be swayed by poison ale and painted wenches, for they will smite you down against the rocky shore. In their stead, conquer thee snow capped peaks upon your board of fury,as thy are stout of heart and strong of will. Safe travels.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Robo and Kev.

Meat pie: CHECK
Ice break: CHECK
Footy mullet: CHECK
Southern cross sticker on the back of a lowered commodore ute: CHECK

It's official, I'm back on the Gold Coast. It's funny how seeing certain things spark a memory of specific places and times...whats not so funny is coming back and realising some memories that you had hoped were gone are still alive and living! But I guess without those things..even the bad ones...it wouldnt be the place that you remembered and like any place in the world the good memories are accompanied by some bad and bad accompanied with some good...thats what makes it rememberable.

My travels have come to an end, the ship that sailed me through north america and europe has found itself shipwrecked on the sandy beaches of the Gold coast.Now comes the challenge of rebuilding the life lived while away here on the shorelines of what was once called "home". I loved the lifestyle I had in Canada and most recently in Germany,no set schedule of events just the desire to do what I liked when I liked, and I hope I'm able to accomodate this lifestyle back in my reclaimed home.
I guess time will tell, who knows...maybe in a months time I"ll be getting Robo and Kev over to help rebuild the Torana,sinking a few VB tallies watching "Bathurst"........or maybe not ;)

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